Piano On The Road – Online

It’s really difficult to partake in youth extracurricular when traveling fulltime. You miss out on the organized sports, but obviously gain so much more in travel and real world experiences. One thing that doesn’t have to end is musical instruments and instructions. I’ve seen several people discuss various instruments while on the road, but I can only attest to our success with piano. We started online piano lessons a few months prior to going fulltime, as we had a real piano at home. I was distraught when we had to put it in storage. We are currently searching for a keyboard to bring with us on our travels so we can continue our piano lessons.

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Fort Friday!!

Happy Fort Friday everybody! I’m assuming even our oldest of readers are building their forts as we speak…right?!? haha! You’re never too young to start! We have to be creative with our forts these days! We enjoy a good fort Friday! We’ve spotted a pretty day outside, so we’re heading out! Hope everybody has a wonderful weekend!


It’s also worth mentioning that forts are a favorite pastime of ours when sickness has taken over our house! I highly recommend adding a fort day to your sick days! It works wonders! 🙂

Do It Your SHELF!

There are certain modifications that you just cannot live without while living in a tiny space, and this is definitely one of them! If you haven’t seen our VERY IN DEPTH owner’s review, you can check it out here, but we had some issues with our closet situation (shocking, I know!) We have a pantry/closet option that we’re using for my husband’s closet, however it’s so short that even shirts have about a foot of crinkle/fold at the bottom which made all of his shirts look awful. Watch below and find out how we fixed it!

The Thing About Planning

Do you know that saying, “We plan, God laughs”? I feel like this should be the sole motto for fulltiming. Even traveling locally, I have YET to have my original plans remain unchanged. If you’re unsure as to why we didn’t fly by the seat of our pants when scheduling our travels, check out our Nobody Warned Me post.

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Fire’s Over, Hurricane’s Coming!

THE very next day after picking up our RV, all of Florida was expecting Hurricane Hermine. We weren’t supposed to get much action, but they did mandatory evacuate the Destin area for RVers, and we weren’t far from there. We needed to prep, and prep fast, for whatever would come our way! Here’s our video on how we prepped for our first Hurricane as RVers and fulltimers:

Anybody else feel like we’ve had one heck of a week? No? Just us? 🙂

Our $900 Solution

For those of you following along with our RV electrical fire, we wanted to update you all.

Good news: nobody was harmed, there was no major damage, we had somewhere to stay while the RV was in the shop, it was fixed after only a few days

Bad news: It wasn’t exactly a cheap fix, we moved back into the RV just in time for Hurricane Hermine to head for land! With that being said, stay tuned for our RV Hurricane post coming soon!

Here’s our update on our RV repair:


Read Next: Fire’s Over, Hurricane’s Coming!

Goodbye RV :(

In case you missed it, you can read all about our RV electrical fire HERE. We just dropped off the ole RV, which for fulltimers, is our house too! We will miss her while she’s in the shop! We’ve packed for about 2-3 weeks, pulled all our fridge and perishable pantry items (as the A/C isn’t working), and taken toys, books, and school with us for our stay. We’re hoping it doesn’t take too long, and are blessed we have somewhere to stay locally! Watch as we drop off our house!



Read Next: Our $900 Solution

I smell smoke…

It was about midnight and we were sleeping soundly in our RV, when we heard a loud pop that startled us all! I am so thankful that it happened this week as the hubby just returned from a week long business trip. Had it happened when he was gone, I probably would’ve ignored the sound and gone back to bed. We got up out of bed to explore the sound and walked into a room full of electrical smoke. After an hour or more of troubleshooting, we determined it was safest to unplug at the power supply to ensure there was no electricity going to the RV. Needless to say, it was a a long, quiet, hot night for us all as it’s summer still in Florida! Check out our video below, like, subscribe if you haven’t already, and share your comments!


Read Next: Goodbye RV

Internet on the Road

This is one of the most common questions to those debating life on the road. There were so many recommendations out there but the most common is the Verizon Jetpack (mifi). The key to getting enough GBs is to find someone who rents their Verizon unlimited data plans. This is super common in the RV world as internet is a necessity for most, as it is for us. We could never fulltime without this because it would be upwards of $1k/month through Verizon. We have adapted so well, that we even take our Jetpack with us in the car when traveling to save us from using our personal data.


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