Happy RViversary!!

We have owned our RV for exactly 1 year!! I never would’ve thought this time last year that we’d be living in it fulltime!! What a year it’s been, and yet I doubt it’ll even compare to the year it’s about to be! Here’s to learning about ourselves, learning about each other, and learning about God’s awesomeness!!


Feel the Excitement??

Guess who’s excited to be heading to her new house?!? That’s right, baby Belle!! Don’t let her face fool you, she’s harmless.


Before any of our friends and family decide against visiting us, it took me a few shots to catch her mid-meow. She really is innocuous….most of the time. 😉

A Stormy 1st Night

We are “mostly” out of the house. However, every time I open a closet or a drawer I am continuously finding new things to pack or trash. Last night we slept in the RV to start figuring out what we actually need and don’t need. We are currently victims of previous Sam’s Club runs, as our toilet paper and ketchup are giving my organizational skills a run for their money. It’s definitely a work and progress, and will be for a few months I imagine. We begin moving furniture and cleaning this weekend and will have the house prepped for check-out by next Thursday. So it’s definitely crunch time!

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Making headway…?

I feel so accomplished…until I remember how small my RV closet is. Ugh.


On a side note, I’ve seriously had nightmares about this closet and our freezer. A closet and a freezer, crazy i know! Not quite sure how we’ll do it, but a lot of people do it with a lot less, so we’ll see just how creative we can get. And yes, I already turned down my husband’s idea of bolting the freezer onto the back bumper. He is just THAT classy! 😉 But seriously hubs, that’d use so much electricity trying to cool that thing in the hot summers! :O