Van Build Videos

Man oh man, I don’t even know where to begin! We’ve made it to Europe and before we begin on updating you on all we’ve done while we’ve been here, I want to take the time to update you on the finalized van build. So I’ll throw some videos down below to catch you up if you aren’t one of our YouTube Subscribers! We’ve had some challenges with internet uploads and such, so it’ll take some time to get this up-to-date!










Van Conversion: Vinyl Floor

The floor is DONE!! And it feels so good! Every conversion process we’ve ever watched, everybody gets so excited about finishing the floor. Now we know why! It’s so wonderful, such a milestone! This went much smoother than our floor insulation and plywood, so it was a pleasant time for all! Check out our video and let us know if you have any questions! We’re onto wall insulation, ceiling insulation, and the bathroom! Stay tuned and make sure you subscribe so you can be notified when we post new videos!
For the Contour Gauge, use our Amazon Affiliate link and search ‘contour gauge’

Van Conversion: Cabinets

What do you think is more important in a campervan…cabinets for storage or a bench to sit down on? What if you can have both? Well that is what we are trying to go towards. In this episode we install our cabinets because we need them installed before we install the remaining parts of the floor. We went with pre-made unfinished cabinets from Lowes because we don’t have the time or expertise to make our own. We were debating on doing one side cabinets and the other a bench, but we opted to utilize our storage and decided on both sides cabinets. We painted them and cut them to shape around the wheel wells. We were very happy with how they turned out! Thanks for watching.

Van Conversion: Sub Floor

Steps…that’s how you get to the end of a finish line. In this step we tackled the installation of the plywood sub-floor. This project was rather uneventful, but required close attention to the cutting. We probably did way more work than was needed with all the stencils, but we’d rather do that than buy tons of extra plywood to redo any mistakes. We purchased 3 sheets and the all worked out just fine, didn’t even have to knock on wood! 😉 We are sooooo happy to be done with this part of the floor, it’s so nice to be able to walk around on it now! We hope you enjoy this video!