With Excitement Comes Fear

Hopefully by the time you read this, you’ve watched our “Europe Announcement” video. If not, please check it out or else you may feel lost. For those that have seen it already, I’ll continue.

There are so many emotions going through my body right now, some I can’t even comprehend. I should mention the strongest are excitement and fear. I am unbelievably excited for this new opportunity that lay before us, so excited for the travels and adventures that it brings. We will see places we’ve always dreamed of seeing, as well as places I never knew existed. We will be able to submerse ourselves in cultures we’ve never seen before and meet people who will make lasting impressions on our lives. People who will teach us things we never dreamed of learning! It will be an experience like no other, it will be an experience most people only ever dream about. We are those dreamers, but for us, those dreams will soon become reality! We are blessed to be given this amazing adventure!

But I’m scared. I am a wanderlust, a vagabond at heart, but I’ve always been able to return “home” to family whenever needed. To be able to physically walk “home” provides such a sense of security. I can’t physically swim the ocean back to the States. It doesn’t matter how hard I want to, how bad I need to, I have to rely on someone to get me home. Flights, lines, layovers, delays, all of it. Another fear is the language barrier. I, we, will do our best to learn the native language but talk about concerning! I’ve never been stuck in a foreign place and not been able to communicate. What confusion/frustration that must lead to. If being far from family and having a language barrier weren’t enough, I’m leaving behind one hell of a support system. My best friends, running buddies, and church group who love me for my strengths but also my weaknesses. I’m leaving it all.

With all that being said, I will adapt. Probably less gracefully than I’d like, but I’ll adapt. I will take this adventure in stride, as I always do. I will look for all the positives and go in with an eager drive to learn as much as I can and travel as much as I can. I share this not to have you question my sanity, but in hopes that one day I can help someone else take comfort in their uncertainties. Even adventures are scary, but all that matters is that you go in with a great attitude and one day you’ll look back after a wonderful ride! It’s going to be one amazing ride, I hope you follow our travels on all social media!

5 thoughts on “With Excitement Comes Fear

  1. Hi! I wasn’t able to comment on your Youtube-video about chosing an RV so I’ll try here instead. One thing you need to look into is driving licences. Here (in Sweden) you would not be allowed to drive/tow what you have now with an ordinary drivinglicencens for a car. It is to heavy (and I think to long). A smaller RV/motorhome could also be too heavy. So look into what is allowed where you want to go. Europe is a lot of countries with just as many different rules and regulations. And you probably know that getting an international driving licencens is a good thing.
    And when you chose what you are getting, think small and then even smaller. Road will be small and narrow, even what we consider “high ways”. Parking spaces are small for what your reffeers to as minivans! Minivans are large cars over here, just saying! And fuel costs a fortune a litre. Yes you need to start getting used to litre and kilometres! Hope not to scare you, I hope you have an adventure of lifetime over here!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for all the helpful info! Yes I absolutely have to get used to the metric system as I rarely use it! There will be many things to adapt to. I’ve also heard each country requires different things to remain in your vehicle, such as a traffic vest, traffic cones, spare tire, etc. should you have car troubles. Can you recommend a good website with a list for most of the European countries? Thanks for all the help!


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