The Struggle is Real…

We’ve had about two 4 hour trips to Lowe’s in 3 days. Hubby finished the Steadyfast Stabilization yesterday around 11pm. Poor guy is working at work during the day and helping me prep at night.  During the day, I have the wonderful help of a 5 yr old which is sometimes helpful, sometimes not so much.


Learned that my closest is too shallow for adult hangers, so I had to switch to kids hangers. Thankfully we had plenty. 😉 Hubby’s closet is deep enough for adult hangers, but is short so everything bunches down at the bottom.

B’s room is done for the most part, aside from decorating the walls. I still need to sift through everything once we’re fulltime and figure out where everything needs to go.


B had his first guest over and showed him his new room! 🙂


Already enjoying the wildlife and we haven’t even left the house…and no lizards were harmed during these pictures. Unlike the beetle from our video blog…


We were planning on putting the RV at the local campground to stay in it a few nights and figure out what we really need and don’t need prior to packing up the house. However, the campground doesn’t take reservations and is currently booked, so we’ll keep checking daily until a spot is available.

Aside from those few minor hiccups , everything has been going really well and has been pretty stress free!

2 thoughts on “The Struggle is Real…

  1. We also found that staying at a local RV park helped smooth out the transition. It took us 1 month to move completely/estate sale and storage the rest. Now to tackle the storage unit. Amazing how much we can accumulate! We finally relaxed yesterday evening for the first time since the move. It’s so exhausting and so worth it.


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